As a proud media partner of the Raw Materials Summit, presented by EIT RawMaterials, Innovation News Network is pleased to announce that tickets for the summit are now available.
The Raw Materials Summit 2024, Europe’s leading conference in the raw materials sector, will take place from 14 to 16 May 2024 at The Egg conference venue in Brussels.
Featuring top-tier guest Maroš Šefčovič, Executive Vice President, European Green Deal, Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, the summit will bring together stakeholders, OEMs, and suppliers to serve as a platform for knowledge exchange and explore a shared vision for a reliable, low-carbon and economically viable raw materials sector.
The summit is expected to inspire a new era of innovation, collaboration, and optimism, propelling the raw materials sector and its connected industries to achieve a more sustainable and resilient future.
It will highlight the indispensable role of education and innovation in the context of future skills needs and the opportunities to strengthen and build on Europe’s technological advantages.
Network with over 1,000 experts across industry, academia, and policymaking
The Raw Materials Summit is one of the industry’s key global gatherings. It is set to draw over 1,000 participants from across industry, academia, research, policymaking, and the industry’s most prominent startups.
The summit provides the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with the brightest minds in the field.
Insightful debates on the most pressing issues in the raw materials sector
Attendees will witness lively and insightful debates on some of the most pressing issues in Europe’s raw materials sector.
Topics include current geopolitical shifts, supply chain complexities, emerging collaborative ventures set to transform industries, and the impact of the latest domestic and trade policies stemming from the Critical Raw Materials Act.
Discover the latest innovations from over 30 European start-ups
The Innovation Village is returning to this year’s summit to showcase the latest innovations from over 30 start-ups in Europe.
Attendees will have the opportunity to meet upcoming talent that is creating sustainable solutions for the raw materials sector.
Obtain a member discount of 10% by using our code INNMP10
Get your ticket here: https://registration.eitrmsummit.eu/raw-materials-summit-2024/register
Learn more: https://registration.eitrmsummit.eu/raw-materials-summit-2024/register
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